about into the wild

Into The Wild, Inc.& the sister service company, Road To A Better Life, Inc. are both US non-profit 501c corporations founded by Kim White. The goal of Into The Wild is nature and culture conservation through an exciting hands-on educational and community service experience.

Environmental and cultural education must produce as its final outcome an ethic in individuals that recognizes the importance of our natural and cultural heritage as well as those of the host country and the necessity to take an active role in their preservation. This type of education should create a common bond and cooperative effort between people of different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds.
ACTIVITIES (Depending on itinerary)
Into The Wild offers trips and photo wildlife workshop safaris to Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and adjacent countries. As well as climbs of the magnificent and challenging Mt. Kilimanjaro, the largest single standing mountain on the planet.
Create and develop sound educational, environmental and cultural immersion programs for international school students from middle school through university.